大陸既然要堅決開放改革,大陸股市那種不倫不類的運作便需要修正。股票市場之所以發達,在於它提供一個可融資的平台,政府只需要確保各參與者在一個公平的環境下競技,不需干預甚麼行業公司需要融資,更無必要營造一個只賺不蝕的市場,處處照顧投資者回報。事實上,在市場機制正常運作下,若然沒有人願意買平保的股票,那它的集資自然會泡湯。集資成功與否,市場自有決定,根本犯不著政府操心。其實,在投資市場內,政府應做的是投資者教育,而不是左一句照顧廣大民眾利益,右一句顧及市場承受能力,這些「教條」只會加深道德危機(Moral Hazard),即投資者會以為政府會救市而罔顧風險地投資。木石在此大不諱地講,內地股民跟世界其他股民一樣,都需要經歷一次非常慘烈的洗禮,才會步上康莊大道。香港股市要不是經歷了七三年的大股災,往後也不會高速地發展起來。政府越強行保護,只會令民智越封閉。人總要在風浪中成長,在股海亦然,中國政府成熟點吧,不要盲目救市!
5 則留言:
對唔住,俺唔覺得香港股海同胞成熟過國內既。論技術分析,俺識得國內開車果位人兄都識強弱相對,RSI,同長短 K 線,支持位,有自已的講股blog 同forum....
國內好多野系外邊人費解既,正如一向睇得咁緊,惦解西甘四呢單野都會蒲頭,有人估系賊喊捉賊,或者又玩百花齊放,who knows.
thx Seikomatic 兄, I have no intention to say anything bad to PRC investors. In fact, I know a lot of veteran PRC investors...
my point is: In general, ppl in HK are more loyal to market mechanism, while you know market mechanism is crucial to a successful stock market. But in China, the government always mixed the concept with planned economy and mkt mechanism... So, the stock market cannot function well... It also misleads the public that the government would save them...
Seiko 是小姐黎ga!!
政治太複雜,自己搞唔掂 ^_~
I think the Chinese government has its own way and culture of doing thing.
I believe the Chinese government is doing the right thing esp. when they see how these foreign investors treat the Hong Kong stock market as a ATM and how HKEX cooperate with them.
If this is the market mechanism you talk about which I believe is a zero sum game, then it is important to have the Chinese government step up and play a role of peace maker before the general public become more experienced with the rules of this game.
Right, I agree that the PRC government has its own way in doing things. It may make the stock market as a tool to settle the state share reform, e.g.
But it is worth to think about why foreign investors are so smart to invest? cos they experienced diff market environment from the past and investor education did the job. In other words, market trained up them...
This is always arguable for whether government should intervene, But for me, i buy what Robert Rubin said (the former US financial secretary), the government only intervenes when some contagions happen to destroy the market mechanism... e.g. like Asian financial crisis...
but for the current status of PRC stock market, it is far from there...